Workflow describes the overall processes you use between retrieving the image from your camera to your finished image. It includes:

- camera setup and image capture (in particular whether you capture in RAW or JPEG or both
- file management including storage strategies and the importance of backup
- indexing and cataloging (so you can easily find your beautiful images again in your ever-growing image collection)
- basic editing
- advanced editing
- display including printing and mounting, web galleries etc. (though I probably will not be going into these areas in this post-processing training site)
- Backing up your images (OK I know I mentioned this earlier… it is important and usually neglected. You’ll only value it after your disk drive dies. Look at this post)
How you set up your workflow is a very personal thing, but if you do it right your work will be more efficient and it will save you hours and hours of time and frustration. The links below will discuss some of these aspects in greater detail.