There are lots of resources on the WCC website In particular have a look at the resources page from the top menu where there are a number of documents on how to do things.

If you are planning to enter club competitions, you will find the rules and instructions on file format at If you want help getting your image into the right size and file name structure, I have made a simple web program to assist: This will resize your image to be compatible with the competition requirements and assist in getting the correct file name format.
Here is a random collection of resources – I am using this post as a dropbox for useful things that I might incorporate into future (and already made) posts. includes discussion of what RAW files are, benefits and drawbacks, software support including list of free and open source software and proprietary (usually not free) sofware.
Adobe: Understanding Raw Files“; background on how camera sensors treat raw files
Bob Atkins: “Raw, JPEG, and TIFF“; common file formats compared.
Comparison of raster graphics editors
lots of tutorials and basics of photoshop
In Photoshop or Lightroom use menu Help or press F1 to open Adobe’s website with lots of tutorials and other resources (or and
Remove a fence, wires, tram wires, powerlines etc from a photo
Monday & Wednesday night training
- Lightroom export settings for club competitions in 2016
- Setting up Lightroom Preset for WCC entries – Geoff Shaw (178KB PDF)
- Resizing images in PhotoShop – Vicki Moritz (2.9MB DOC)
- What are judges looking for – Vicki Moritz (3.3MB PDF)
- What Judges Say – Dave Sumner (1 MB Powerpoint)
Workshops and presentations
- The Aesthetics of Photography – Emma Gilette (19MB PDF)
- Creative Editing – Adrian Donoghue (37MB PDF)
- Intermediate Photoshop – Geoff Shaw (3.5MB PDF)
Tutorials & How To’s
- Notes on sharpening in Lightroom – Geoff Shaw
- Using our Image Galleries (2MB DOCX)
- Creating Competition Files Using Adobe Elements (200KB DOCX)
Post Processing Group
- Post Processing Group Week 1 – Dave Sumner (1.5MB PowerPoint)
- How to make a Triptych in Photoshop – Tim Keane (2.1MB DOCX)
Post Processing for Beginners
- Post Processing for Beginners – Slides 2018 (7.7MB PDF)
- Post Processing for Beginners – Screen calibration Win 10 (1.4MB PDF)
- Post Processing for Beginners – Software Comparison (539KB PDF)
- Post Processing for Beginners – Triptych in Photoshop (967KB PDF)
- Post Processing for Beginners – Glossary (425KB PDF)