This page is a place for links and resources related to the 2021 Portraiture course run by Geoff Shaw and Helen Warnod. Links to documents and homework assignments will be added as we progress through the course.
Module 1: Introduction to Portraiture
Presented by Geoff Shaw.
HOMEWORK: Take one photograph of each of the 3 poses on Page 1. one face, one head and shoulders and one whole body photograph. The photographs will be collated, viewed and discussed as an introduction to the next session focussing on light.
Link to Homework Submission form
Gallery of Homework images with comments
Module 2: Lighting for Portraiture
Presented by Geoff Shaw
Link to Quiz image gallery
HOMEWORK: Take a portrait where you have consciously arranged the lighting, be it by placement of your subject using ambient lighting, or by using artificial lights (flash etc) or light modifiers (eg reflectors) to highlight some mood, feature or narrative in the image
Link to Homework Submission form
Gallery of Homework Images with comments
Module 3: Working with a model
Presented by Helen Warnod
HOMEWORK: Submit one or two images (Your Name_Module 3_Image title.jpg) together with brief reflective comments on the posing and anything else you want to share, eg what you want the image to convey, what you like about it, what you think could be improved, any images you used for inspiration etc etc.
Note whether you are happy to share the images for discussion in the group or if you only want direct feedback from us.
Email the homework to with subject line Portraiture – Module 3.
Gallery of Homework Images with comments
Module 4: About Models
Presented by Helen Warnod
Email the homework images and reflective comments to with subject line “Portraiture – Module 4”. Image file name format: Your Name_Module 4_Image Title.jpg
Link to gallery of homework images with GS comments
Module 5: Camera and Lighting – Equipment and techniques
Presented by Geoff Shaw
Take a portrait, thinking about the equipment that is
most appropriate for what you want to achieve.
Email to me ( with subject line “Portraiture – Module 5”. Image file name format: Your Name_Module 5_Image Title.jpg. Send the image; brief reflective notes on how your equipment choice allowed you to achieve your objectives with this image (or alternatively, how the equipment available to you limited what you were able to achieve); a statement that you are happy to share your image and notes with the group (or not, if you only want one-to-one feedback)
Link to gallery of Module 5 homework images with comments.
Module 6: Post Processing for Portraiture
Presented by Geoff Shaw
Prepare some portraits ready for consideration for the 10-Club Portraiture competition. Selection within the club will occur in early July. More Details in the PPT file and to be circulated closer to the time. Sections Single person; Two or more people; Abstract/Creative
Anonymous feedback Questionnaire
We’d appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to give us your feedback. We have a brief anonymous questionnaire at: • Or email us, if you want direct responses. |
Outdoor workshop: March 28th 2021, 2 PM – 4 PM. In this workshop we will use each other as models and focus on camera settings, ambient light and posing. Venue: Main entrance to Mt Waverley Community centre (where we meet for competition nights). More details by email.
Indoor workshop: Wadham House, upstairs. April 12th 2021, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. This session will focus on artificial lights for portraiture (studio lights/continuous lights, softboxes and so on will be available). We will use each other as models and explore different lighting arrangements and posing.